社会 & Behavioral Sciences


Associate Professor of Sociology

Hello, 我是 Professor Powell. 我是博士。.D. Candidate in Sociology at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. I joined the faculty at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 in 2018 as Assistant Professor for Sociology. My dissertation research examines interactions between volunteer health counselors and HIV test-seekers at a free clinic.

Though 我是 originally from Cleveland, Ohio, I have also lived in New York City, where I completed my undergraduate degree in Sociology at Columbia University. 在研究生 school, I worked as a research assistant on projects involving human rights and early 怀孕. I have taught a wide variety of classes including courses in criminology, inequality and global studies, and gender and sexualities.

M.A., Case Western Reserve University

Exceptional Faculty Award - “Attendance at the American Sociological Association and the Study of 社会 Problems annual conferences” (Awarded by the President and Trustees of Columbia Basin College, 2019.

Exceptional Faculty Award - “Research and Travel Funds to Support Dissertation Completion” (Awarded by the President and Trustees of Columbia Basin College, 2018.

First Prize - CWRU QGRAD Intersectionality Research Symposium (Awarded for Presentation titled “Power and Prevention: A Qualitative Inquiry into Racialized Power Dynamics in HIV Prevention,” 2017.

Dean’s Instructional Excellence Award (Awarded for outstanding achievement in undergraduate instruction), Case Western Reserve University, 2015.

Graduate Student Appreciation Award (Awarded f或extraordinary service to the community), Case Western Reserve University, 2014.

Advanced Studies Fellowship, Case Western Reserve University, 2014, 2015.

Graduate Research Fellowship, Case Western Reserve University, 2011-2014.

Graduate Student Travel Award, Society for the Study of 社会 Problems, 2014.

Graduate Student Travel Award, American Sociology Association, 2013.

Dean’s Senior Thesis Award, Columbia University, 2011.

格兰,B.鲍威尔,B.  2013.  “Vulnerabilities of Young People: Going Beyond the Public-Private Dichotomy.”  Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji (Issues in Early 教育).


Conference Presentations

鲍威尔,B. 厄德曼斯,M.  2016.  “Comparing Perceptions of LGBTQ Campus Climate: Students, Faculty, and Staff.”  Society for the Study of 社会 Problems annual meeting in Seattle, WA, accepted for presentation.

鲍威尔,B.  2015.  “Stopping the Slow-Motion Catastrophe: Addressing MSM HIV Incidence through Collaborative 赋权.”  Society for the Study of 社会 Problems annual meeting in Chicago, IL.

鲍威尔,B.  2014.  “文化 and HIV/AIDS Prevention: From Origins to Absence,” Panel Organizer and Facilitator, Annual meeting for the Association of Humanist Sociologists, 克利夫兰,哦.

鲍威尔,B.  2014.  “Profits or Prevention: An Investigation of HIV Prevention and Why It’s Failing MSM.”  Presented to the Society for the Study of 社会 Problems annual meeting in San 旧金山,.

鲍威尔,B.  2013.  “Attitudes toward Homosexuals and 社会 Network Composition.”  Presented to the American Sociological Association annual meeting in New York, NY.

史密斯,.鲍威尔,B., 厄德曼斯,M.  2013.  “16 and Pregnant: Managing a Spoiled Identity in the Media.”  Presented to the Society for the Study of 社会 Problems annual meeting in New York, NY.